Saturday, May 24, 2014

Summer Arms

Summer Arms...

I would have never known what kind of life he lead if it weren't for those summer arms.  Had it been winter, he would have been appropriately bundled up, probably in a puffy black jacket, his hands nestled warmly into his pockets and his long hair tucked away under a knit skully.  I had imagined running into his arms as a chilling breeze nibbled at my ear.  His hot breath would come out in puffy smoke and there would be a twinge of mint masking the Marlboro red he just had on the walk over....

He was impossibly perfect to me and I couldn't imagine anything being anywhere near wrong with this man that I had suddenly and quickly fallen in love with.  He seemed to know exactly what to say and how to say it and before long, there would be an unveiling of our love and our own flesh as we pledged our adornment for one another in a more initimate way.

He sent me flowers that day, and the flurry of butterflies colliding into one another sent my head reeling.  Suddenly I found it difficult to breathe and so I brought the flowers closer to me, a bouquet of peonies, and took a long, deep inhale of the delicate fragrance.  I used their scent to send me into a meditation of sorts and almost instantaneously, I was pulled under their seemingly narcotic spell--feeling hopelessly romantic and smitten.

There was much preparation for the big night ahead and as I retraced our steps that led us to this upcoming moment I couldn't help but giggle at the whirlwind I had found myself in.  Here, I, Ms. All-Too-Practical, had fallen in love with a complete stranger and now, I found myself ready and willing to give into my carnal desires and to let him claim stake to the one thing that I prized the most...I staggered through the rest of my work day trying to focus on sending out press releases but instead found myself making mini-declarations of my true love by signing my name with his last name and envisioning a white dress and thousands of little screaming babies calling my name...

Mo-mma!  Mo-mma!

The minutes seemed to drag yet ironically fly by as well.  I hurried out the door at half past five, leaving my supervisor in a dust of what I imagined to be, little sparkly hearts that flew out from behind me as I hightailed it to the subway, hoping to catch the express train to my destiny...

The apartment was immaculate and the champage was chilled.  I prepared an almost too-perfect-to-eat filet mignon with a crisp salad on the side and decided to indulge in some chocolate covered strawberries as a form of dessert....or foreplay.....

The moment was upon me and soon we were nestled close into one another's arms as I answered the door.  He leaned down to lightly touch my lips and I imagined my envious neighboor peering in from her own window, struggling to make out our shapes amidst the frozen windown panes that were frosted with snow.

"I'll get the champagne" I managed to breathe out in a hot and lustful whisper and he smiled down at me, a half-smile of sorts, that knocked out any air that I had managed to draw into my lungs.  He. Was. Heaven.

I ran into the kitchen and I could hear him taking off his jacket. The puffy, black jacket made a soft swooshing noise as it effortlessly came off, what I imagined to be, his perfectly chiseled arms and fell onto the couch with one cool toss.  I turned, not knowing what to expect, and as my eyes fell upon his short sleeved t-shirt, I dropped the glass flutes onto the flatter, the glass shattering all over my new Prada patent pumps, but gratefully covering up the sound of my heart breaking in two....

I shook my head, breaking myself away from the daydream as I watched the Adonis turn his wheel.  It was summertime now and from what I could see, he was every bit as perfect as I had imagined he would be, save for the tattoos that were splayed all over his arm.  I sucked my teeth in disappointment, knowing full well, I would never date a man like that.....but just for a moment, for a brief cold moment in time, when his arms weren't displayed, when he didn't have summer arms.... I fell in love with that boy..

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