Thursday, July 12, 2018

Where flowers go to die.

I always wondered what you'd be
If  you weren't you, but were me?
Would your life had somehow seem
like a nightmare or a dream?

I always wondered if our paths
would somehow cross or would they crash?
would we somehow get to be
a different version of you & me?

In a different time and day
Would we know each other's names?
Would we be a friend or foe?
Would our time be fast or slow?

But, here is where we are....
the two of us like distant stars...
one is bright and one is dim
one is me and one is him..

And instead of in the sky
we are in the place where flowers die
our souls somehow intertwined
like two stars aligned

I always wondered what'd you think
if we sat and had a drink
if I asked about your life
about your moments of love & of strife

and as the sands of time they fall
i start to think of all
the things you haven't said
the memories in your head

I'll always wonder more and more
as i watch the closing door
how i wish there was more time...

how i wish there was more time....


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